Monday, August 16, 2010

More Power to Answering Service

The way ahead for answering service agents is one that is laced with excitement and greater responsibility. Several call centers across the world are trying out a new model that has been initiated by giants like the American Express. This makes BPO employees at the inbound call center desk take more responsibility in dealing with customers. The call center agents at the phone answering desk generally stick to a script, one that has a start and end protocol. However, the time has come for them to enrich the experience of the callers. And for that to happen, it’s important that they break away from the mould that has not taken the customer care department ahead like the other call center services.

More Power to Answering Service

BPO firms are allowing the answering service agents to take things in their stride. Agents find themselves with the power to bypass certain protocols to make things easier for the customers. A dynamic phone answering team is all that call centers need at this point in time. When the experimentations at the inbound call center team passes the acid test, others in the business process outsourcing world would join in too. BPO service agents in the units of American Express often hold conference calls to clear things out between the caller and the technicians. That’s a much better idea that just transferring the call to the tech team.