Monday, June 28, 2010

B2B Lead Generation Target Demographics

I was observing the social media lead generation campaigns of a BPO firm with interest. They had company profiles on Facebook and Twitter. They had deployed call center agents to put up regular posts on these platforms. They were adding friends and followers. They were doing everything that an individual would do on social media. And that is where they were going wrong. They were not doing what a company profile should be doing. Any B2B company would be wasting their time if they went around tapping the common people! Come on, the only chance of your hitting the right note on this one is, if you come across a major mover and shaker who can get his/her company to hire your answering service firm. Otherwise, you are just wasting valuable resources on a mindless social media campaign.

The trick here is to tap other business networks for your BPO firms. What do you intend to do with the huge number of friends and followers on Facebook if they don’t contribute to your lead generation? You need business. For that you will have to tap business houses and CEOs. You need a tight, professional social media plan. Your call center agents have to be well-versed in the tenets of business communication. These agents will be representing your call center services to the prospective clients. This is like a red alert for all those B2B companies who are conducting social media campaigns. It’s better if you plan the metrics and methods that your business needs rather than do something that others are doing. Look closely. They are more likely to be B2C!