Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Call Center Employees Get Back to Jobs

The domestic call centers are hiring call center agents again. That’s the silver lining in otherwise gloomy prospects for the business process outsourcing industry. Several BPO agents who had lost jobs during the bad phases of recession are coming back to join the workforce. After months of staying at home or working freelance projects at home, these answering service agents are now heading back to the commuter trains and buses that take them back to the cubicles.

It’s a happy journey back to work for every one of them. The layoffs had been cruel and the financial crises they faced are still fresh as a traumatic experience. But it’s time for these call center agents to put those all behind and come back to the desk, effervescent and ebullient.

Take the example of Megan Flockhart. She was laid off from her BPO job when the company decided to cut down their employee strength. After five months of working on freelance projects, she is finally headed to a call center this summer! It’s a case of achievement for this answering service agent. She says, “There are plenty like me! And it’s been a suffocating wait!”

Surely, Megan Flockhart’s vote would go to Senator Charles Schumer for his anti-offshore business outsourcing bill! When you see people like her striving for an opportunity to get to work, somehow you don’t feel nonchalant about your own business process outsourcing job, do you?